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Rejecting Orders on Website

Back End


Sometimes Online Orders need to be rejected for multiple reasons. In order to do so, navigate to the online orders page by selecting the “online/delivery” tab on the left. Locate the ticket/order would like to reject. Hit “Accept” to view the order.


A pop up will appear. You’ll be able to view all order details like customer name, phone number, totals, etc. Review the order to make sure you can provide everything listed to the customer/ person picking it up. If there is any reason you cannot provide/accepted an order, select a “reason to reject” at the top of the pop up.


Please note: Rejection reasons/ messages are full customizable. You can create them on the CURV website by logging into your account. More information can be found here. CLICK HERE


After the order have been rejected, the customer will receive a notification letting them know the order was not accepted and the money has been refunded automatically back to them. All rejected orders can be viewed under the “Rejected Tab”