Accepting Online Orders with CURV has been constructed to allow the restaurant and its employees full control by updating its customers live with status updates. Update each order through the preparation & delivery stages. You can navigate to online orders by selecting the “online/delivery” tab on the left.
New Online Orders will generate in two tabs within online/ delivery, All Orders” and “New Orders” . Orders can be accepted on either table.
Hit “Accept” to open your order.
A pop up will appear. You’ll be able to view all order details. Customer name, phone number, total, etc. Hit “accept” to start preparing the selected order. If the order is to be Rejected, Select a reason from the Reason to Reject drop down and select “Reject Order”. Setting up Reject reasons will be done on the settings page. Rejected orders will be automatically refunded.
The selected order will move to the “accepted” tab. You will have the following statuses to update your order:
- Accepted
- Cooking
- Parcel Ready
- Delivered
- Archived
Please Note: Status updates do not have to be updated in order. Statuses can be skipped if preparations are going smoothly.
Begin to update your order by using the drop down menu within the accepted button.
Once the order has been “delivered/ picked up” ,”Archived” and “Rejected” buttons will still be available for status updates.
- If the order was fully successful, move the order to “Archived”. It will save the order and allow you look it up it the future.
- If there was something wrong with the order or the customer would like a refund, move the order to “rejected” and the customer will be refunded their money.