FAQ Guide
Why are my sales not being recorded under my employee profile?
CURV Users must PIN into their own account before all actions on the POS.
What is the "Manager Password" when issuing VOID Transactions
The Manager password is the current date in MM/DD/YYYY format Note: This feature can be disabled on the Transit app.
Why Is my VOID not going through?
here are a few reasons you cannot VOID a transaction
- All VOID and Refunds must be issued in the same manner and on the same device the sale was ran
- Cash Transactions are not Valid for VOID. Cash returns must be issued as a Refund.
- VOID can only be issued same day before the Batch has settled.
How do I get into the settings on the Machine, not on the CURV app?
The setting password, is pax9876@@. This will be needed when connecting to Wi-Fi or confirming ethernet is connected.
Why are my menu schedules not showing up on the POS?
Menu Schedules will only appear on the POS ordering page when there are menu items and categories attached to the schedule.
Why are the receipts not printing?
Make sure there is a printer attached to the POS device.
- Power open printer lid and pull a small amount of paper out, close the lid and try again. This can solve most "paper Jam" issues.
- Make sure internet is connected
- Make all wire connections are secure
Cash Drawer Will not Pop open:
- Make sure plugged into the correct port. See guide. Each end of the wire is labelled (Printer and Cash Drawer) make sure it is plugged into the correct direction.
- The associated Cash Drawer must be attached to a printer. That printer needs to be set up as the “receipt Printer” on the Settings Page. As a the “Receipt Printer” the Drawer must be Checked off as a Cash drawer with a name and starting balance.
- The Drawer must Physically plug onto the Printer (or E800 Machine) to “Pop” open automatically.
- Each Device will have their OWN CASH Drawer. We recommend all cash payments be handled on one device.
Card Reader Does not work:
- If their transactions are not being processed, make sure they are using the secondary screen (Facing the customer.) Tips need to be entered for card payments before the card is entered.
- If they are not using the Secondary Screen, make sure they have the Use Second Screen function toggled off on the Settings Page. (Settings-> Ordering-> Use Second Screen-> off)
- Check the response on the Q20 Machine.
- Get a video of the decline.
If you cannot figure out the reason. Please attain the
- Order number
- Value of Order(How much they are trying to charge
- Type of Card (Visa/MC/Amex/Disc/JCB or Debit Card
Why are the receipts not printing?
Make sure there is a printer attached to the POS device.
- Power open printer lid and pull a small amount of paper out, close the lid and try again. This can solve most "paper Jam" issues.
- Make sure internet is connected
- Make all wire connections are secure
Why are my Tip options all zero?
Make sure the "Starting at" Amount for Tips is set. The set amount should be below the total amount of the order.